
Extreme background activity seems to be to blame...

What you need to know

  • Users are complaining of wild battery drain on iOS.
  • Specifically, caused by the Music app.
  • One user said that the app had used 95% of their battery running in the background.

Hundreds of iOS users are complaining of severe battery drainage, reportedly caused by the Music app on iOS.

According to MacRumors:

A significant minority of iPhone users have taken to Apple's Support Communities to report battery drain issues related to the Music app and high levels of background activity.

Hundreds of users, many running iOS 13.5.1 on devices both new and old, are experiencing rapid battery drain when the Music app is not in use. In some cases, the background activity occurs over several hours each day, even if the app has not been used for weeks or even at all.

A thread on Apple's Communities support forum has gained significant traction over the last few weeks. The initial complaint showed that Apple Music had used up 53% of that user's battery, all thanks to background activity.

However, this is actually one of the more tame experiences, with some users suggesting that Music had used 95% of their battery in the background.

Pending downloads

Apple support told one user to delete their playlists, which update all the time, in case this was a potential cause. However, other users seem to have nailed down a fix...

The solution for me was turn off automatic Downloads under music an app settings. Then I went into Apple music/library/Downloaded Music And saw that they were pending downloads just sitting there spinning so I canceled all 19 of them. Problem seems to be solved

Another user noted that their wife had over 200 songs just "sitting and spinning to be downloaded", and that by canceling them all, they were able to solve the problem.

You can manually cancel pending downloads in the Music app by selecting individual songs, but can also switch off the feature within the Music app in the Settings app.

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