
Siri really wanted to ignore today was Election Day.

What you need to know

  • Siri was getting the date of Election Day wrong earlier today.
  • The smart assistant was saying that Election Day was on November 8.
  • Apple has already fixed the issue.

Reported by TechCrunch, Siri may have been the only one to forget that today was Election Day in the United States. As pointed out by Lucas Matney on Twitter, when told "Happy Election Day" earlier today, Siri responded by saying, "Thanks! But Election Day is November 8."

"You sure about that Siri? Tell Siri 'Happy Election Day'"

It appears that Siri was specifically talking about the upcoming mid-term elections that are set to occur on November 8, 2022. Apple has quickly fixed the issue and saying the same thing will get a result of "Election Day is today, November 3."

The mishap follows another report from 9to5Mac that showed Instagram was also telling users Election Day was tomorrow.

It is unclear what issue caused Siri to skip over today's presidential Election Day in the United States, but it is good to see that Apple addressed it quickly and that Siri is answering questions and commands around today's election date correctly.

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